Many people think of the beginning of the new year as a time for change. Goals and accomplishments are listed off to friends and relatives, but how often are these goals realized?
No matter what the goal or when it is set, writing a goal down, with detailed steps for accomplishment, is a critical step in reaching your goal. According to Gary Ryan Blair, author of The Goals Guy, here is what you should do when putting a goal in writing.
Describe precisely what you want, how you will earn it, when you will have it, and the benefits you'll receive from achieving your resolution. Write the details, but don't make it complex. When you put it in writing, you increase your chances of moving to the next step and increasing your level of commitment.
Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall. Writing your resolution goes a long way towards achieving it.
For more tips in reaching your goals, and questions to help guide your writing, visit The Goals Guy website.