15 September 2011

07 September 2011

Back To School, Back To School

Hello and welcome to my CCLOG.  My name is Ashley Rubolotta.

This is my fifth year at Craig High School.  I am an English teacher responsible for writing, literature and performing arts classes.  If you ever need to contact me, please e-mail me at arubolotta@craigschool.org.  Beyond academics, I am also the newspaper/school magazine advisor and one of the two National Honor's Society's advisers, the other being Mrs. Bhakta.

From time to time I may post an amusing story or a helpful link to my home page or class specific pages, which can be found on the sidebar.  Biweekly posts will be made to update you on the great things we are covering.  Be sure to check for new content.

So welcome back to another great year at Craig!  I look forward to working with all of you this year.  I hope your transition back to school was just as exciting as, but smoother than, Adam Sandler's transition back.*

*clip from the film Billy Madison